Oficina de correos

Boat Of Garten Post Office

Recomendado por 9 habitantes locales,

Consejos de residentes locales

September 30, 2020
Boat of Garten - All kinds of tasty essential and treats, plus a post office that is always open. The owners are about the loveliest people you could find to run a shop that sells everything from coffees to go, hot sausage rolls and cakes to Gin, Whisky, gourmet chocolate to toilet paper and produce. We love this village shop.
Graham & Olga
July 27, 2016
Beth and Dave run a fully stocked Post Office with everything you need.
June 23, 2016
Stock of fresh vegetables,cheese,pies, stationery, gifts,take away coffees and teas.
June 14, 2017
For a selection of hot pies and pastries, or a filled roll, the post office shop is perfect stop for lunch or a snack on the go. Or, pick up all the essentials to make your own picnic here.
September 24, 2016
The Village Shop and Post Office

Actividades únicas en la zona

Historias ocultas en un paseo guiado con té silvestre
Ruta guiada en bicicleta desde Grantown-on-Spey

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